Mail Pavilion Fencing
Mail Pavilion Fencing:
The Membership was informed at the October, November, and Decembers Board meeting, and President Padilla’s article in the December edition of the Harmony spoke to the requirement to enclose our mail pavilion.
The Postmaster had given Penn Estates three options after the most recent incident with a resident and Federal Postal Worker.
The options were as follows:
• Fully Enclosed the Mail Pavilion
• Have a Public Safety Officer stand guard while mail is distributed (six days per week)
• Or become a one drop location (all mail would be dropped at the Administration office for Penn Estates Staff to distribute)
The enclosure will be completed by Saturday. Effective Monday, December 16th, the facility will be closed to members while the distribution of mail is taking place. Generally, it will be between the hours of noon to 5:30 pm.
We certainly understand your concern and frustration; however, this was a mandate from the United States Postal Service.
We ask for everyone’s patience and understanding during this transition.