Dear Deeded Owner, You are invited to attend the Board of Directors Meeting on March 7, beginning at 7:00 pm. Please register no later than 6:30 on the 7th to ensure you receive the login [...]
Dear Deeded Members, The Board of Directors will be meeting on February 7 at 7:00 pm. Please register no later than 6:30 pm on February 7 to ensure you will receive the login information. [...]
Please be advised that the Board of Directors has called a Special Meeting for January 23 at 6:00 to discuss a legal matter. The board will immediately adjourn into executive session. Register in [...]
Penn Estates POA’s Board of Directors is seeking to appoint one (1) qualified voting member of the Association to fill the vacancy on the Board, with the term ending as perthe Bylaws on [...]
The majority of the board has scheduled a special meeting to discuss a personnel matter. The board will immediately adjourn into executive session. When: Dec 8, 2024 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and [...]
The majority of the board has scheduled a special meeting to discuss employment and attorney communications. The board will immediately adjourn into executive session. When: Dec 10, 2024 06:00 PM [...]
Dear Deeded Owner, You are invited to attend the Board of Directors December meeting on December 6 at 7:00 pm. Please register no later than 6:30 pm on December 6 to ensure you receive the login [...]
Message from the Manager As we approach the end of 2024, I want to provide our members with an update on the progress we’ve made and the exciting plans for the year ahead. Community Projects 2024 [...]
Dear Members, The Board of Directors convened on November 18 for a special meeting to pass a motion to hire a consulting CPA firm. This decision was made to address concerns raised by unfounded [...]
Dear Deeded Owner, A Special Meeting of the Board has been called for Monday, November 18, at 7:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to consider and possibly take action on hiring a Consulting [...]