Dear members, As a reminder, the 2022 assessments are due by January 15. Those that have not paid their dues in full or entered into a payment arrangement will be assessed a late fee of $150.00. [...]
Dear Members, Monroe County’s Covid positivity rate has escalated to a frightening 38.2% as of today’s date, leaving Monroe County with the highest positivity rate in the state. Effective [...]
Dear Deeded Owner, You are invited to attend the January 7th Board meeting via Zoom at 7:00 pm. Please register no later than January 7th at 6:30 pm to assure you receive the login information [...]
Dear Members, Monroe County’s positive rate has rapidly increased to 19.1% as of today’s date, moving us from critical to the extreme positivity category. In light of our area experiencing a [...]
As per the Rules and Regulations, all vessels were to have been removed from the common area by November 1. Any vessels remaining will be removed by maintenance on December 15. To fulfill the [...]
Rumor has it Santa will be scouting out the area on Sunday, December 5, for a smooth arrival on Christmas Eve. Santa’s anticipated arrival will be around 1:00 pm.
The Association’s policy is that only members in good standing may use the amenities and rent their home. The Association does not permit subletting. Owners renting out their unit shall be [...]
Dear Deeded Owner, You are invited to attend the Board of Directors meeting on Friday, November 5, 2021, at 7:00 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register before 6:30 pm on November 5 to assure [...]
Dear Deeded Owner, The Board of Directors has scheduled a meeting on Monday, October 25, 2021 at 7:00 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to approve the 2022 Operating and Capital Budget and Fee [...]
Preventative maintenance of Penn Estates Drive will commence Tuesday, October 19 at approximately 8:00 am, with a completion date of Wednesday, October 20. Please travel with caution and obey all [...]
Public Safety: (570) 424-7047
Admin: (570) 421-4265